Tag Archives: Tripp

Ebook GIveaway – All Jacked Up Again and The Ninja Librarian

Congratulations to Rich Sigfrit for winning What’s A Nice Actor Like You Doing In A Movie Like This? and Hugh O’Donnel for winning Mik Murdoch! Prozes should go out later today.

If you’ve already won, please feel free to comment, but I really want future e-books to go to folks that haven’t won anything. Also, though I’m giving two books away this week, I’ll do a separate drawing for each. You might still win both, but this way there’s a chance for two people to win.

The first book this week is a sequel of an earlier collection of stories by LA Tripp called All Jacked Up Again.

Jack survived one scrape. Now he’s being thrown into another. Between a shady Italian, a psychotic mom that stalks him, a girl friend that’s not his girl friend, and an innocent sandwich maker, will Jack keep his sanity? How much more can poor Jack take?

The second is a children’s book by Rebecca Douglass, The Ninja Librarian

Skunk Corners is a pretty miserable place when the Ninja Librarian moves in. It’s just another dusty, tough town in the dusty, tough hills. Folks there aren’t too friendly, and they don’t see much need for high-falutin’ nonsense like schools–or libraries. But from the moment the unassuming, white-haired gentleman steps off the train and into these tall tales, the changes in Skunk Corners begin, in equal parts exciting and bewildering to Big Al. The Ninja Librarian uses wisdom, patience, book-learning. . . .and a few well-placed kicks and jabs. . . to change the town, and Al, forever.

So how do you get these? Merely leave a comment below and your name will be dropped into the virtual hat. There will be two drawings, one for each.

I plan on giving away a book a week this year, but none of them will be my own. Why? Well, I believe in helping introduce people to new authors and nothing does that like FREE! The contests will be as simple as leaving a comment on the blog, or showing me that you’ve left a review on Amazon or Smashwords of books you’ve picked up in the past. I’ll try and change things up to keep them interesting, but by and large you won’t have to work hard.

If you’re an author and you’d like to pitch your hat into the ring, let me know. I’m not asking you to give me anything for free. I plan on buying your e-book from Amazon/Smashwords as a gift for the winner. So in addition to you getting your name out there, you’ll also get a sale for the contest. The most I can budget per week is $2.99, so if you have a book in the $.99-$2.99 price range let me know. I reserve the right to turn you down, but I will try and do so gently. I’d like to have a variety of genres represented.

If you have a free book and would like me to just get the word out I can do that, but you won’t be part of my contest. If your book is more expensive and you would like to donate a copy, that works too.

Shoot me an e-mail, a DM, or leave me a comment to enter your book.