Tag Archives: giveaway

A Thrilling Giveaway

7th son deceit JC Hutchins — mentor, friend, and author — is doing something awesome. He’s giving away a signed print copy of his book 7th Son: Descent if you buy either of its sequels in e-book form. I’ve got my copy of the print book from its first run. So I’m here to do a giveaway of my own.

Drop a comment here. I will choose two people from the comments and buy them a copy of 7th Son: Deceit, the second book in the series. JC will then send you the print copy of the first book. You’ll then have more than enough reason (I hope) to buy the third book. This opportunity evaporates at the close of the old year, 12/31/12 at 11:59:59 PM.

Need a teaser? Here’s the skinny on what the series is about!

As America reels from the bizarre presidential assassination committed by a child, seven men are abducted from their normal lives and delivered to a secret government facility. Each man has his own career, his own specialty. All are identical in appearance. The seven strangers were not born, but grown — unwitting human clones — as part of a project called 7th Son.

The government now wants something from these “John Michael Smiths.” They share the flesh as well as the implanted memories of the psychopath responsible for the president’s murder. The killer has bigger plans, and only these seven have the unique qualifications to track and stop him. But when their progenitor makes the battle personal, it becomes clear John Alpha may know the seven better than they know themselves…