Dead Ends Author Intro – Jake Bible

I’m finishing up listening to the next podcast I’ll be reviewing. I expect that review to go live tomorrow. To tide you over I want to introduce you to one of the authors who participated in Dead Ends, the charity anthology I put out earlier this month (available at Smashwords and Amazon).

DeadEnds-002-sm Jake wrote the story “Blister”. It’s a great piece of body horror. He lives in Asheville, NC with his wife and two kids. He is the author the Apex Trilogy (DEAD MECH, The Americans, Metal and Ash), Bethany and the Zombie Jesus, Stark- An Illustrated Novella, and the YA horror novel Little Dead Man, as well as the forthcoming YA horror novel Intentional Haunting. Check out Friday Night Drabble Party every week! Free drabbles for all! Find him at and all his books on Amazon here.

Why do you write horror? I like to go to those dark places others try not to look at. I love pushing boundaries, pushing people’s buttons, and pushing limits of what can be allowed. I also like blood. Lots and lots of blood.

What inspired this particular story? I honestly don’t know. I wanted gruesome and graphic with a twist of bizarro. I think this did that.

What’s the best horror movie you watched recently? Sinister, for sure. I also liked State of Emergency. It’s a low-budget zombie flick. Some acting not so good. Some is great. But I liked the intimate feel of it and thought it was well done. Although, I’d call it more situational suspense than horror.

What scares you? The thought of something happening to my children. That and losing my intelligence. Both of those things scare the crap out of me. Otherwise, I’m good.

What are you working on now? A crazy urban fantasy mash-up. It’s beyond profane. It’s so profane I had to start inventing profanity because I ran out of words. It’s awesome.

What’s your favorite beverage while writing? Depends on the time of day. Morning writing is coffee. Day time is ice water. Evening is beer or bourbon. Late night is bourbon and coke or earl grey tea.

Dead Ends is available at Smashwords and Amazon
All proceeds go to the Office of Letters and Light. Please spread the word!

Stories include:
“In The Deep Dark” by Justin R. Macumber
“Morning Dew” by Edward Lorn
“Power in the Blood” by Scott Roche
“Getting Even” by Philip Carroll
“Breakers” by Paul E. Cooley
“Breakup” by J.R. Murdock
“Blister” by Jake Bible
Edited by Sue Baiman
Cover by Scott E. Pond.