I was unable to attend Dragon Con this year due to lack of fundage/planning. In years past the temptation to whine about that has been strong. People that couldn’t go would commiserate by tweeting about it using the hashtag #DragonCant.
This year a good Twitter/Podcast friend, Viv, challenged us with a post on her blog. She will be doing a wide variety of new things and blogging about them through the weekend. I applaud that.
In what I’m pretty sure was an unrelated move Brand Gamblin and Allison Duncan made DragonCant a reality. You can hit the site here. Throughout the weekend you’ll be able to hear readings and engage in panels both real and imaginary.
There’s another reason for this post. I will be doing a reading tomorrow at 4:00 PM. It will likely be one from my Smashwords stories. In the spirit of stealing from the best, I’ll steal an idea from Laura and ask if you have any input. Feel free to drop me a comment! And come to UStream for the readings.